Tentang Jaringan Masyarakat Bebas Merkuri (MFSN)
Mengapa MFSN?
Masalah pencemaran lingkungan telah mendapat sorotan selama bertahun-tahun, salah satunya polusi merkuri.
Banyak juga masalah kompleks dan masalah yang belum terpecahkan terkait dengan merkuri di masyarakat kita karena alasan sosial ekonomi. Karena itu, tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah.
Jaringan Masyarakat Bebas Merkuri telah diinisiasi sebagai tanggapan terhadap meningkatnya minat para pemangku kepentingan dari organisasi multi-layer termasuk dari latar belakang akademis dan non-akademik untuk mengurangi atau mengganti penggunaan merkuri dalam produk dan sebagai kebutuhang penting masyarakat di Indonesia dan Myanmar.
Misi kami
Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang keracunan merkuri, sumber keracunan yang relevan dan masalah terkait.
Untuk berbagi informasi secara efektif kepada khalayak dari segala usia, tidak dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi bahasa nasional mereka seperti Indonesia, Myanmar, bahasa etnis, dll.
Untuk mempromosikan kesejahteraan dan memenuhi kebutuhan sosial ekonomi penambang dan masyarakat pertambangan karena jumlah merkuri tertinggi berasal dari kegiatan PESK.
Untuk berbagi dan bertukar informasi seperti inovasi lingkungan dan inovasi industri untuk memecahkan masalah polusi terkait merkuri.
Untuk berkontribusi dalam memecahkan masalah pencemaran merkuri dengan bekerja sama dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah, perusahaan, dan kelompok masyarakat untuk jangka panjang.
Visi Kami
Komunitas dan masyarakat sepenuhnya menyadari kesadaran akan kesehatan terkait dengan keracunan merkuri.
Komunitas dan masyarakat yang memiliki nilai-nilai terhadap dampak lingkungan dan kesehatan terkait merkuri.
Produk yang mengandung merkuri saat ini akan secara bertahap digantikan oleh produk alternatif.
Masyarakat dan komunitas kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup.
Pendekatan Kami
Penelitian pendekatan transdisiplin dan praktik berbagai studi serta pendekatan damai dalam bekerja sama dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan demi mencegah risiko keracunan merkuri, untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, serta untuk mempromosikan nilai-nilai kesejahteraan dan masa depan keberlanjutan.
Komite Persiapan
Professor Masayuki Sakakibara
Pemimpin Proyek,
Proyek SRIREP, Lembaga Penelitian untuk Kemanusiaan dan Alam (RIHN)Professor,
Universitas Ehime,
JapanProfesor Masayuki Sakakibara adalah seorang ilmuwan kebumian dengan latar belakang multidisiplin dalam Geologi, Petrologi, Astrobiologi, Geokimia, Geologi Medis, Geoengineering, dan Remediasi Teknik, dll, saat ini bekerja pada Fakultas Inovasi Regional Kolaboratif dan Pasca Sarjana Sains dan Teknik, Universitas Ehime di Prefektur Ehime.
Minatnya yang kuat terhadap pencemaran lingkungan membawanya kepada kerja lapangan secara intensif dan kegiatan untuk mengurangi polusi merkuri serta masalah kemiskinan di daerah pertambangan emas artisanal dan skala kecil (PESK) di Indonesia selama lebih dari delapan tahun, pekerjaan yang dilakukan bersama mahasiswa, ilmuwan, peneliti, dan berbagai pemangku kepentingan dari Indonesia, negara-negara ASEAN, dan Jepang.
Profesor Sakakibara juga bertanggung jawab atas konferensi dan seminar internasional seperti Penelitian Transdisiplin tentang Masalah Lingkungan di Asia Tenggara (PTMLAT) dan Penelitian dan Praktik Transdisiplin untuk Mengurangi Masalah Lingkungan (PPTMML)., yang berfokus pada pendekatan transdisiplin untuk penelitian dan praktik, serta pengembangan berbagai inovasi regional untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan di negara-negara ASEAN.
Mr. Bobby
Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
Network Activities Group (NAG),
Myanmar -
Ms. Hatsue Koizumi
Soshisha, The Minamata Disease Museum,
Japan -
Dr. Edwan Kardena
Bandung Institute of Technology,
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Indonesia -
Dr. Hisanari Sugawara
Gunma Museum of Natural History,
JapanDr. Sugawara obtained Ph.D. in Earth Science from Ehime University in 2012 for the specialties of field geology and biogeoscience. After arriving at the Gunma Museum of Natural History as a museum curator, he has been involved in the geopark study with a transdisciplinary approach. He is currently a committee member of the Japan Geopark Committee and also a member of SRIREP, taking responsibility for the geopark project in Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Dr. Basri, Ph.D.
Dean and Researcher,
College of Health Sciences Makassar,
Indonesia -
dr. Sri Manovita Pateda, Ph.D.
Medical Doctor and Lecturer
Medical Department,
State University of Gorontalo,
Indonesia -
Dr. Satomia Kimijima
SRIREP Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),
JapanSatomi Kimijima, a researcher and one of the leading members of the SRIREP project at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN). She studied Master’s in Gender and Development Studies at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand as well as at Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan respectively, and then she obtained Ph.D. for the specialties of Remote Sensing and GIS from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. Her interest in rural development and passion for the integration of the engineering approach into social science produces essential involvement in the objectives of SRIREP projects especially creating transdisciplinary boundary objects and transdisciplinary communities of practice in rural areas of Indonesia.
dr. Win Thiri Kyaw, Ph.D.
Researcher and Medical Doctor,
SRIREP Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),
JapanWin Thiri Kyaw attained a bachelor’s degree in medicine (M.B.B.S) from University of Medicine 2, Yangon, Myanmar in 2007. Then, she completed her 5 years journey of Ph.D. in Medical Science, Neurology, and Clinical Pharmacology from Ehime University, Graduate School of Medicine, Japan in 2013. Since then, she had conducted her post-doc studies for clinical research and basic research related to neurological disease especially Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders at Neurology and Clinical Pharmacology department in Ehime Medical University until 2017. From 2019 until the present, she has been working at SRIREP Project, mainly for the environmental and health impact assessments of Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) activities in Mandalay Region, Myanmar. Her interest in the studies of neurological symptoms related to mercury intoxication and promoting the health of the ASGM community drive her to deal with key stakeholders, face challenges of reducing environmental problems, and promote health awareness in her country.
Mr. Myo Han Htun
Research Associate,
SRIREP Project, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN),
Japan -
Slamet Sumardi, M.T
Mining Research Center-BRIN,
IndonesiaSlamet Sumardi completed his master’s degree in Mining Engineering with a specialization in Mineral and Metallurgical Engineering in 2013. He has become the Manager of the Lampung-BRIN Advanced Materials Characterization Laboratory and is actively involved in primary and secondary mineral extraction research.
Dr. Eng. Widi Astuti
Research Center for Mining Technology,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
IndonesiaDr. Eng. Widi Astuti is an Extractive Metallurgy Researcher at the Research Center for Mining Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in Indonesia. Dr. Widi obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University (UGM), and then her Master’s degree in Mining Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Indonesia. Then, she acquired her Doctoral degree from the Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University in Japan. Her research interests include the extraction of valuable metals from primary resources (mining ores) and secondary resources (industrial waste, urban mining, electronic waste, etc.) utilizing hydrometallurgy and biometallurgy. Her doctoral research was on nickel and cobalt extraction from Indonesian nickel laterite ores using atmospheric leaching.
Fika Rofiek Mufakhir, S.T., M.T.
Researcher and Lecturer,
Research Center for Mining Technology,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
Sumatera Institute of Technology (ITERA),
IndonesiaFika Rofiek Mufakhir graduated from Texmaco Institute of Technology in Subang, Indonesia, with a bachelor’s degree in Metallurgy Engineering (S.T.) in 2005. In 2018, he completed his Master of Metallurgy and Mining Engineering (M.T.) from Indonesia’s Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). In 2021, he continued his studies in a non-degree program at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norwegian. In 2008, he joined as a researcher specializing in mineral processing-purification technology, precious metal recovery, and heavy metal removal at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), which later became the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
He is also a Lecturer at Sumatera Institute of Technology in Indonesia’s Mining Department. From 2020 until the present, he has worked with PT. Rimba Makmur Utama (PT. RMU) on the KATINGAN-MENTAYA Project, primarily to analyze the environmental and health impacts of Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) activities (as the assessments) in Central Borneo, Indonesia. One of his research interests is heavy metals and organic species associated with mercury and methyl mercury contamination, as well as health risk assessment and the promotion of clean technology in the ASGM community.
Dr. Gunawan Pratama Yoga
Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN),
IndonesiaDr. Gunawan Pratama Yoga is a Toxicologist at the Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in Indonesia. Dr. Yoga earned his master’s degree in Environmental Toxicology, Technology, and Management from the School of Environmental Resources and Development at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand, and his doctorate in Aquatic Resources Management from IPB University (Institut Pertanian Bogor) in Bogor, Indonesia. His research interests include heavy metal pollution in freshwater ecosystems. His doctoral research thesis focused on the impact of mercury pollution from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) on Macrozoobenthos (Trichoptera) in the Cikaniki River.