Recommended Fish Intakes for Pregnancy
Seafood such as fish and shellfish contain a great number of nutrients including protein, iron, and zinc which are essential for a baby’s growth and development.

Fish & Pregnancy
Food is the most essential thing of all living organisms. The intakes we consumed become not only an accumulation of our body, but also decided who we are, how we look like, our health, and the potentials of our future generations.

Mercury in Paint Products
Historically, the use of mercury in paint products can be traced back to 5000BCE in human skeletons. It was covered in vermillion, also known as cinnabar (HgS).

Illegal Mercury Containing Cosmetics
Skin lighting cream so called “Whitening Creams” and other cosmetics that may contain excessive amount of mercury can affect human health especially developing fetus.

Contaminated Drinking Water
At least or around 2 billion people in the world use contaminated water which can cause serious health issues every year. Mercury contamination in drinking water becomes one of the serious issues due to possibilities of neurological poisoning in fish, wildlife, and humans.

Miners and Mining Communities’ Health
Miners suffered varieties of health issues and diseases such as respiratory distress and lung disease from toxic inhalation, and vomiting, headache, fever, chills, abdominal pains, and diarrhea from absorption of elemental mercury.

Consumer Electronic Products / Wastes
Consumer products that contain even a small amount of mercury make different kinds of health effects on human beings and ecosystems, and improper methods of recycling those mercury-containing consumer products can lead to widespread global mercury pollution.

Industrial Toxic Pollution / Coal-fired Power Plant
Toxicity in the air or toxic pollutants due to emissions from coal-fired power plants, industries, and refineries, as well as from vehicles impact immensely on human health and ecosystem.